Green Corridor Walk with Shelties!

L-R: Summer, Zappy, Kooky, Waffles, Spirit, Lulu, Mango

Being no stranger to walks along The Green Corridor, this time (last month 🙄) we brought new friends there! One way to keep fit with your dog, is to walk regularly! Walking the same route everyday gets boring. Why not spice it up with a once awhile long walk with some friends in a new environment? Yes, please!

Past entries here and here, with some not blogged about.

So we gathered some Sheltie owners + friends for a little get-together!

Total distance: Approx 4km

*Warning: Picture heavy post. But Shelties ahead! 😉 Continue reading

Dog Friendly – Ciel Patisserie & Lickers Ice Cream

Ciel Patisserie

This gem of a place is totally up my alley. Ciel Patisserie is a dessert cafe!! I love desserts! @daradeexplorer‘s mum checked with the cafe, and outdoor seating is dog-friendly, but limited.

Mango and Dara!

Ciel Patisserie is located in the heartlands at Hougang, under a public housing (HDB) block. Outdoor seating meant seating located along the common corridor of the block! Safe from the weather. There were 2 tables and 4 chairs along the corridor, so you might want to give them a call before heading down, though I’m unsure if you can reserve tables (call to check!).

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Dog Cafe – Paw Pet-radise Reopens! *CLOSED*

Paw Pet-radise

In April, my favourite dog cafe announced it’s closure. I was sad to see it close because we loved going there. So when 28th April came by, we made our last trip there. It’s a place Mango came to feel comfortable in. From hiding under the table for the entire time we were there, to exploring the place and even had his first play too! Such memories. Imagine my joy when they announced that they would be continuing their lease afterall, with a brand new look! It’s not easy for a dog cafe to survive in Singapore. Over the last year, we saw at least 3 close their doors. Rentals increases but incomes don’t (or not fast enough). Operating a niche market cafe requires tons of passion to make it work. Glad it worked out for Paw Pet-radise!

Left: Counter & Kitchen / Right: Retail space (now with a gate)

After the initial flurry on the opening on 30th May, we headed down the following week. Same place, yet different! The space felt bigger, and there were more seats/tables with the replacement of the sofa booth seats with long tables with benches and chairs. Personally, I like this new furniture because it means that everything is easier to clean, and ticks have nowhere to hide *touch wood* But not a big fan of the harder chairs because of backache (old woman). But with the new seating arrangements, it meant a larger play area for the dogs! Love this. For reference, before revamp: Here

Read on for more! Continue reading